ZXW Tools Dongle is hands down the best software for iphone/ipad/samsung logic board repair. It’s essential if you microsolder. The way it works is that you buy a USB dongle that looks like this from our website:
Then, you plug it into your windows PC. The software only works on windows. The dongle acts as a security key in order to unlock the software for use.
After you have the dongle installed, you’ll need to either download the software from their website or you can install it from the included CD. Their website is in chinese, so unless you have a translator addon for your browser, it’ll be pretty hard to navigate. Lucky for you, I have included a direct link:
[ddownload id=”697″ text=”ZXW Tools Dongle Download”]
The above is the latest version of ZXW tools. Or you can download the file directly from the zxwtools website.
Create a folder and put all of the files into that folder. Then run ZXW2.1.exe, which will install the software. You can also run BlackFish1.4.exe, which will install Blackfish v1.4. Blackfish has all of the updated schematics minus the board view, which renders it pretty much useless in my opinion. For Blackfish, you will need to run the program as Administrator in order to get it to work.
Run the ZXW Tools software and if everything is properly installed, you should get the loading dialogue box:
If you have any problems getting the software to load, then try changing servers:
Once the program is loaded, then you should be able to access all of the different board level schematics:
Unfortunately, there is no zxw dongle crack available for this software at the current time. There are a few videos on youtube and other channels that claim to have a crack, but your best bet is to buy the dongle for around $80 shipped.
Purported zxw dongle crack? The video is in vietnamese.

Some additional help:

I did buy the zxw tool 80.00us I have redone the install 3x but it always stops at the loading screen never gets to the servers screen (hongkong 1 or 2 any thoughts on this would help? ps like your vids thanks
I did buy the zxw tool 80.00us I have redone the install 3x but it always stops at the loading screen never gets to the servers screen (hongkong 1 or 2 any thoughts on this would help? ps like your vids thanks…
I have bought Dongle but now they tell me i need to renew it and it costs AU$72, when i bought it no one said about renewal, just 1 off payment. What is the bloody go there?
Dongle is for 1-year subscription
I bought 2 dongels and donwloaded version 2.5 but none of them worked, both softwar stuck on loading menu. I contacted them on wechat and they sent me version 2.4 to try but no luck … after a week finally they told me there is nothing they can do and I should contact the reseller for warranty, so I did and reseller told me to buy another dongle…. since their aftersale and warranty didnt help, I was wondering if anyone else experienced similar issue ?
From there site= http://www.zxwtools.com/ArticleInfo_87.html
Thanks for the link but it’s actually communicating but doesn’t load the schematics… I disabled anti virus, firewall… even the router firewall… also tried on several computers with different ISPs… furthermore I used VPN and set location to be HK, UK, US, Mexico to see wether ports are intercepted or not (also checked the IP before each attempt to make sure i‘m picking those countries local IPs) but nothing changed and still not loading the schematics in the menu, even after hours….. need to mention my dongles are genuine and the goes from Ztools checked the serial numbers…
Did you try refreshing the menu?
Thanks for your advice, Yes i did refresh the menu too but nothing happened.
Thanks for the return. This could be a long shot thought, could it be the licence serial # is no longer good. There might be a time frame where a set of numbers are good for, the dongles you got are out dated from the vender you bought them from after that you need to renew the license ,even though they said the numbers are good they might have not been up front telling you, you need to renew? I know this sounds lame but it could be as simple as that. You have trouble shot every scenario and a still no go result, I’m leaning towards the serial #’s are out dated. You might have to look for another program for the schematics there are other good ones out there or bite the bullet and try to renew one of the numbers you have. Not many options left for you.
Does make sense but first thing they did was checking the serial numbers and confirmed dongels are good…. I’m directly in touch with “ZXW客服“ over QQ and this is what he wrote me:
****I suggest that you find a dongles that you can use to test if there is a dongle that can be opened in your network environment.****
****In general, you can buy a new dongle test****
****But I’m worried that the dongle isn’t bad, and that the same problem applies when you buy a new dongle.****
**** I have no way to solve this problem ****
However I’m using other softwares already but will give it a try by renewing the license to see whether it works or not, I know many colleagues experienced this issue and given up… so it would be good to know what causes this problem after all…
Hi, thanks again for the return. With my issue I was not even able to connect to there 2 servers to get into there site. I tried 2 different comps also, to no avail. During this time I got sick and had to put every thing on the back burner but now I am on track again. I bought a new dongle also at the time but now I will install and see what will happen. I remember now the responses I received was it was having issues with win10 and the dongle drivers.all licensed keys have drivers. On there site at the time they only showed win7 as there operating platform. Even though the dongle package shows it will work on win10 the vender said there was problems with the drivers as he had others that were having issues. I’m not sure if ZXW has updated it drivers to include win10 and again it would matter what win10 platform build you are running.try updating win drivers manually.if they have not updated this could definitely be an issue.the functions can be unstable and inconsistent.So before you renew maybe address the driver issues ask zxw if they have any updates for win10 drivers or any windows versions. I will be installing my new key in about 1week , I wil inform you of the outcome.In all seriousness the the driver issues could be the root problem. It will be great for everyone to get this figured out. Till then.
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